Frequently Asked Questions

What forms of payment are accepted at Pi Kitchen?

Pi Kitchen accepts Credit cards, Debit cards, Duckbills, and Dining Dollars.

Do I need a Meal Plan to Dine at Pi Kitchen

No, you do not need a meal plan to be able to dine with us. However, if you are on the Faculty/Staff Meal Plan you will receive a 50% discount on your bill.

Are you interested in purchasing a meal plan? Click here to learn more.

Can I reserve Pi Kitchen for small events and meetings during non-business hours?

Yes! Pi Kitchen can be reserved for small events and meetings Monday- Sunday after 5:00 pm. Please make your reservation through University Events.

Am I allowed to bring an outside guest to dine with me?

Yes! Anyone is allowed to dine at Pi Kitchen as long as they are included in your reservation.