Feed the Flock

Feed the Flock

Fighting Hunger, One Swipe at a Time.

Feed the Flock is a revolutionary meal swipe donation program designed to combat food insecurity in the Stevens Community. As students pursue their academic dreams, many face the harsh reality of not having enough to eat. ‘Feed the Flock aims to address this pressing issue by providing a platform for students to donate their unused meal swipes, ensuring that every member of our campus community has access to nourishing meals. With an increasing number of college students experiencing food insecurity, initiatives like Feed the Flock play a crucial role in fostering a supportive and inclusive environment where all students can thrive.

New to Campus!

Stevens Dining, is proud to announce a groundbreaking collaboration with the student government to launch the first-ever meal swipe donation program, Feed the Flock. Recognizing the prevalence of food insecurity among our student body, this initiative represents a significant step forward in our commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive campus community. Through Feed the Flock, students now have the opportunity to donate their unused meal swipes, providing vital support to their peers in need. This collaboration exemplifies the spirit of unity and compassion that defines our institution, as we work together to ensure that no student goes hungry in our Stevens Community.

Donate Swipes

Any Stevens community member with a meal plan may choose to donate up to 10% of their meal swipes. Meal Swipes donated to Feed the Flock will be added to a community swipe bank to help address food insecurity on Stevens campus.

Join the Program

Any Stevens student may request up to 3 Meal Swipes through the Feed the Flock program. Donated Meal Swipes can be used at most Stevens on-campus dining locations. Meals cannot be used off-campus. If you have an existing meal plan, you must have no more than 3 Meal Swipes and $20 dining dollars in your account to request meals. Donated Meal Swipes can be accessed through the student’s Campus Dining Grub Hub app


If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Residential & Dining Services at RDS@Stevens.edu or call (201) 216-5128.